Sunday, November 16, 2008

What Inspires Me-photos from an old carnival

Finally I'm putting up some of my photos of the old Brighton of the most hauntingly picturesque places I've been. This used to be the original pier that was burned to the ground many years ago. Don't you just love the intricacy of the metal structure that's still standing?
That birds have now made this place their home is even more fitting--someday I plan on making a sculptural "scale" model of this, complete with birdies of course!

This is the real Helter Skelter ride on the newer Brighton Pier. As you can see, this ride is so old that it's getting rehabbed....that's a shame because you can't make out the great paint work on the sides. They say from the tip top of this building you can see the Isle of Wight. We unfortunately didn't get to find out but it still inspired me to make a piece with this namesake.

1 comment:

Lenae May said...

gOODNESS tAMMY! I just LOVE your stuff!

Wonderful can really see it!

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